
I will be holding a series of theatre and performance workshops for actors and performers of all experience levels from November to December 2024 exploring body, family, story and community

What can we uncover if we dive deep into our personal stories, our connections to our body and to make theatre and art from that place of emotion, family and community?
What narratives will we discover that bring us together or show us how different we are? 
What new magic could be created together with the others in the room? 
How can an actor show up fully here and in future works when they no longer have to hide behind a wall they didn't even realise was there? 

Potential participants are able to choose to drop in for specific modules or be a cohort participant and attend all modules/workshops. 

Workshop Modules (Conducted in English)
Module 1: Our Fathers/Appas (4 Hours Weekend Workshop)
Module 2: Our Mothers/Ammas (4 Hours Weekend Workshop)
Module 3: Masculinity and Patriarchy (4 Hours Weekend Workshop)
Module 4: The Divine Feminine (4 Hours Weekend Workshop)
Module 5: Body and Sexuality (4 Hours Weekend Workshop)

Each workshop is designed to hold a variety of different identities and backgrounds. More information and details can be found in the relevant forms and links below.